
Bad News for Andrew

Actually, this is bad news for all you Calvinists out there. I was looking around the internet for information on the theology of 7th Heaven, and a Google sponsored result led me to an article that very persuasively refutes Calvinism. You can read it here.

Rev. Paul C. Jong points out basic logical errors in the theology of Calvinism, such as how:

What the untrue theology says about predestination is that God elected the people He loves while condemning those He dislikes. This means that some who were elected are born again of water and the Spirit and accepted into heaven while the others who were not elected are destined to burn in hell.

If God in fact elects only some of us, we cannot help but agonize over the question, "Was I elected for salvation?" If we were not elected, it would be useless for us to believe in Jesus. Thus this theory has made many people more concerned with whether they were elected by God than with faith itself.

(Disclaimer: I am writing this sarcastically; I thought that this article represented one of the worst misunderstandings of Calvinism I have read yet.)


Jacob said...

Yeah. With that and last night's Husker game, the world looks pretty bleak, doesn't it?

skoenig said...

"yeah, calvin's pretty much a heretic by now."
(a very loose quote from someone i know...)

andrew said...

That explains why I don't always feel saved. My faith in Christ is useless since I wasn't elected.

Honestly, could anyone set up a worse strawman?

Lindsey, I've accepted that well-known fact, and now consider myself a heretic as well.

andrew said...

oh yeah....


Jacob said...

First, let's all accept the fact that Andrew, for the bajillionth time, mixed up LindsEy and LindsAy, and let's give him a pass this time.

Second, I was waiting for your sarcastic attack on our beloved Huskers, Andrew. Thanks for not letting me down.

andrew said...

That's it.

I'm just going to start trying to refer to you guys as "Linds." That way I'm correct no matter whom I'm addressing.

Jacob said...

Sounds good, Andre.

andrew said...

Thanks Jakob.

Jacob said...

This will help. Click here.

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