
En vacances

For the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Fall Break, I have travelled to Chicago to attend a preaching and teaching conference at Willow Creek Community Church. So, I'm writing this from a hotel in a suburb of Chicago, and I probably will not have a lot of opportunities to post until Wednesday. Still, I should be back full force on Wednesday! For those of you at UNL, have a good break.


skoenig said...

are you planning on being a preacher and/or teacher, or is this just for fun or...something.

Lindsey said...

Its a requirement for all intending to stay in any form of leadership at Berean church to faithfully attend commands from the mothership, Willow Creek. All hail the megachurch movement ...

skoenig said...

helloooo!actually, this is all new news to me--never heard of willow creek.
in closing, why does "mothership" sound so much cooler than "presbytery?"