
The Last Tempation of Jacob

I regret to inform you all that I have fallen. I didn't want to do it, but my entire family was talking about the presidential debate this evening. I should have yelled, "Get behind me, Satan!" and left the room, but I must admit that I sort of wanted to hear what was happening. I only have seventeen days left in my policktical fast, but I succombed to temptation. These last days are going to be harder than I thought they would be.

Still, I am not going to just throw in the towel. I will continue to shun news and politickery as much as I, by the grace of God, can.


skoenig said...

T=Total Depravity

Jacob said...

"T"? I think I'm missing something...

But, at any rate, this does prove that I am totally depraved. I've known that before the 2004 election, though.

Jacob Gerber

Lindsey said...

"T" stands for the first letter in John Calvin's TULIP. T=Total depravity, U=unconditional election, L=limited atonement, I=irresistible grace, P=perseverance of the saints. Its an acronym of the basics of Calvinism. Surely you know this after all this time of being in such close quarters with all these children of the covenant ...

Jacob said...

Your reminder must just be part of my irresistable grace. I think Andrew explained this to me last year, but the acronym itself hasn't been of overarching concern in my life or anything, though.

andrew said...

Oh I beg to differ. You have tiptoed through the TULIPs on more than one occasion.

Jacob said...

Tiptoed perhaps. I certainly haven't dwelt in the garden, though. I'm a biblicist, not a Calvinist. :)

Anonymous said...

To err is human, to forgive divine. Please forgive your family. Who knew that the debates would be on the night you went home?