
Powering Andrew's Blog

I have six Gmail invitations to give away, and I have a friend who has another six who is willing to give his away. If you don't know what Gmail is, it is Google's up-and-coming e-mail service that turned the geek community on its head because it offers a whopping 1 gigabyte of mail storage. Also, it has a lot of other intuitive features in its mail service that I'm enjoying. Furthermore, because it is so new, you don't have to be joesmith45623@whatever.com, because few names are taken. In fact, I know several people with Gmail accounts and none of them have to use numbers in their address. All in all, it's pretty cool.

So, the first twelve people to contact me by e-mail will be sent invitations. Otherwise, I will probably send them to a service that connects all the people who do want a gmail address with those who have them. But I wanted to give you, my faithful readership, the first opportunity.

Because I am trying to protect my pristine, Spam-free Gmail address from being corrupted, send it to an e-mail like name@gmail.com, except fill in where it says "name" with my full name, all lower-case, in one word without any spaces or periods or underscores (my full name is Jacob Gerber). Believe it or not, there are programs that scour the internet for e-mail addresses published on web sites, so I'm trying to be really careful here.

Happy Gmailing!


andrew said...

Well here's the first person you know who didn't get their name@gmail.com. i had to use my middle initial.

Jacob said...

Did you try firstName.lastName@gmail.com? That's what a lot of people do. But even if you couldn't use that either, at least your e-mail address has no numbers!

Lindsey said...

I'm just glad to be rid of hotmail and a part of the elite world that is Gmail. I didn't get the name@gmail.com either, much to my chagrin. But now that I have Gmail, I just feel cool.

Jacob said...

I actually wonder if the exclusivity of having to get an invitation is part of their marketing plan. They claim it's for beta testing of their system (which may be), but it seems to me that the invitations are a good way to spread the word!