
Ezekiel 33

Today, my Bible reading plan brought me to one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, Ezekiel 33. Here's a quick run-down of why it is so meaningful to me.

  • Verses 1-9: It is a challenging and sobering thought that we are responsible to communicate our knowledge of Christ with those who don't know Him, although we obviously have no control over their response. Paul, toward the end of his life, said that he was innocent of the blood of all men, because he never shrunk from proclaiming the gospel to people. Ezekiel, though, had already received this challenge from God when he was first commissioned.
  • Verses 10-20: God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but wants all to turn to Him. We really need to see people who are lost as just that--as people who need a Savior just as much as we do. Still, our God is a just God, who must ultimately meet those who reject His grace and mercy with the wrath their sins deserve. (Paul explains this as well in Romans 2:1-16.) And remember, it's not that God did not demand justice for the sins of those who trust His Son, but that God met His Son with the wrath that should have been put on us.
  • Verses 21-22: As soon as Jerusalem falls to the Babylonians, God lets Ezekiel speak again (previously, Ezekiel was only able to speak when God was directly speaking). This concept was one of the biggest motivating factors in beginning my policktical fast. The idea is that God wanted nothing of Ezekiel coming from Ezekiel, because otherwise that might corrupt the pure message of God. I realized that much of what was coming out of me was not God's pure message (the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ), but a lot of party-line rhetoric, some of which having dubious Scriptural roots, even though it might not have been outrightly contrary to Scripture. In the process, I built walls between people of different ideologies that were a hindrance to the gospel, since I might have been giving the impression that to be a Christian, they needed to vote for exactly the same people I would vote for. Thus, I had to get rid of it, at least for a little while.
  • Verses 23-33: When I first read this, I didn't really know how to tie it together, so I will instead quote the thoughts of D.A. Carson in his For the Love of God:

    So the news arrives: Jerusalem has fallen (33:22). Ezekiel is now released from the silence God earlier imposed: he can converse openly and can say things other than what was given to him as a prophet. But all that he says in the rest of this chapter are more words from the Lord. He has two themes. (a) Regarding the people left among the ruins of Jerusalem, they are ever the optimists. They think they will reestablish themselves, even though they have not renounced their sins. So God will continue his chastening until there is only desolation, so that they will learn that he is the Lord (33:23-29). (b) As for the exiles whom Ezekiel addresses directly, they have learned to enjoy listening to him, as one enjoys listening to a gifted orator--but they have not learned to repent.

    Where are the closest analogies to such stances today?

There are a lot of challenging ideas here for only being a 33-verse chapter!


andrew said...

Reformed theology claims that God elects some and reprobates others soley for the purpose of displaying his wrath and mercy, thereby increasing his glory (Romans 9:22-23.) Exekiel 33:11 is often brought up as an objection to this view. It is claimed that God cannot receive glory by reprobating some, because this contradicts his desire to save all. The Reformed theologian replys that this conflict of wills is an example of the multiple wills of God. On one level, God does not want anyone to perish. On a higher level, God desires his own glory, and thus displays his power in "vessels created for destruction."

Interestingly enough, the non-Reformed position must appeal to the same principle of God's multiple wills in order to explain this passage. If God is omnipotent, and if he desires above all that no one should perish, he is fully capable of saving every last person. However, the libertarian free will advocate claims that God valued human freedom more than he valued saving everyone, and thus chose to allow people a choice in the matter.

I find more biblical support for the position that God desired to display his wrath than I find for the position that God desired human freedom.

I suppose the libertarian freewill advocate could respond that human freedom is a necessary condition for God to display his wrath (i.e. that it would be unjust for God to exercise wrath on beings that did not have libertarian freedom.) But I think Romans 9 (and many other passages) deny this.

Jacob said...

I would almost completely agree with you; only "almost" because I think that there is a serious emphasis in the Bible on our choosing God. This passage is one such example. Still, I would agree that God raises people up to make those choices, but somehow, God works His sovereignty so that He gets His way (whether for vessels of mercy or vessels of wrath) by working within the choices that we make. I would point to verses like Romans 1:24-25 where God gave the wicked over to their lusts, or Psalm 81:8-13, where God seems frustrated over the choices that His people are making.

In fact, the Old Testament is replete with passages that feature God pleading with people to turn to Him (see Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel...well, heck, most of the major and minor prophets). Furthermore, in Revelation 3:20, Jesus presents Himself as standing outside the door and knocking, patiently waiting for someone to open up and let Him in. One of my only problems with full-blown Calvinism is that it seems (I haven't read much Calvin, so this just might be my impression) to portray God as a cold, calculating figure that has something of a spreadsheet set up of who is a vessel of mercy and who is a vessel of wrath, where we are merely statistics. From God's divine spreadsheet, He then acts accordingly with us, my impression of Calvinism would say. I have a tough time seeing this sort of God coming down from heaven to die on a cross for the world (I guess this also means that I have a problem with limited atonement).

Perhaps what I am saying is that God has something like three wills: (1) His perfect will, which would have been implemented if Adam and Eve (or their offspring) never sinned; (2) His sovereign will, which raises up vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath to display the two sides of His nature; and (3) His Give-The-People-What-They-Want will, which allows people who reject Him to reject Him (and vice-versa), but to deal with the consequences.

Furthermore, it seems that all of these wills don't apply to all of the people all of the time. For example, Saul was going to murder Christians (I draw from this that he was rejecting Christ), but Jesus met Him on the road and converted Him right there. This seems to be God selecting a vessel for righteousness, regardless of what Paul had done in his heart.

On the other hand, the Israelites demanded a king from Samuel in 1 Samuel 8. Samuel warned them against it, but God said to go ahead and let them do it, that they were rejecting Him. Why didn't God pull a Damascus-road-conversion style vision on them? Were they vessels of wrath? This would make sense when we look at the pitiful job Saul did when he was king. But why, then, would God give them David, a man after His own heart? Why not go straight into Ahab? And besides, aren't these God's chosen people? If He chose them as vessels of mercy, why should their choices have anything to do with anything according to a straight-up Calvinistic viewpoint?

What I'm trying to pull out of this long-winded, sometimes rambly explanation is this: I think that Calvinism is too simple to explain the depths of the stories in the Bible; on the other hand, I think that free-will "libertarians" (as you call them) base their ideology in a pride that wants to believe that we have more control over our destiny than the Bible shows that we actually have. Can either theological belief stand alone? I personally can't see how.

andrew said...


I (as are you very well aware) have only been a Calvinist for about half a year. I have not read much Calvin either. (In fact, I've read virtually none of Calvin, but I don't think particularly matters, as Calvinism really isn't about Calvin. It bears his name and was the most articulate proponent of it, but really it's a system of interpreting the Bible that has had a number of proponents before and after Calvin, including Augustine.) And considering the number of intelligent Presbyterians who read your blog, I surely am not the best apologist for Calvinism. But I'll do my best to try to discuss some of the issues you raise from what I understand to be the Calvinist perspective.

Here's what I perceived to be some of your complaints against Calvinism. (I swear I'm not trying to set up strawmen, but I probably am unintentionally.)

1. Calvinism doesn't make room for human choices.

Calvinism does allow for human choice, although it is understood differently than a libertarian would view human choice. The compatibilist theory of human freedom is as follows:

"An act is free if it meets three conditions:

-It is not compelled or [immediately] caused by anything external to the agent who performs it.
-However, it is [immediately] caused by something internal to the agent who performs it, namely, a psychological state such as a belief, a desire or, more precisely, a combination of the two.
-The agent performing it could have acted differently, if the agent had wanted to do so."

(Ironically, this description of compatibilist freedom comes from "Why I Am Not a Calvinist" by Jerry L. Walls and Joseph R. Dongell, which provides one of the best explanations I've read on the different views of human freedom. I highly recommend it.)

Simply speaking, as long as humans are acting in accordance with their will, they are free. This allows God to be the remote (or first) cause of everything, while allowing humans to be the proximate (or secondary) cause of the individual acts for which they are responsible. Further, God has ordained human choices and actions as a means of bringing about his will. (Acts 27 provides an example of the role of human action in bringing about God's sovereign will.) Thus, our choices and actions have very real consequences in the history.

2. Calvinism portrays God as cold and calculating, and we are merely statistics to God.

On the one hand, Calvinism does emphasize God's glory and sovereignty. God is completely sufficient without us, and needs us in no way. Because we are sinful, the only thing we deserve is eternal punishment.

However, God has chosen to save some, based on no merit of their own, to be the recipients of his mercy. What you might be misunderstanding is that God's "foreknowing" of the elect is not some abstract, "spreadsheet" decision, but rather a most personal, intimate act. Eph. 1:5 says, "In love he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will." Wayne Grudem writes, "God's act of election was neither impersonal nor mechanistic, but was permeated with personal love for those whom he chose." Likewise, Ezekiel 33:11 makes it clear that God cares about even those who rebel against him. This is not a mechanistic system where God planned it all out, pushed start, and let it play out. Rather, he is intimately involved in carrying out his sovereign will. As Colossians 1:17 says, "in him all things hold together."

3. Calvinism is too simple to explain the depths of the stories in the Bible.

I wouldn't say that Calvinism is a very simple theology, comparatively speaking. It is systematic, however, and many people see this as a defect. Often people complain, "Calvinism is too logical/coherent." In my opinion, we should prefer a coherent explanation over a less coherent one, provided they explain the data (in this case biblical) equally well.

I admit that there are certain passages where I don't find the Calvinist explanation very satisfying. But I think as a whole, Calvinism offers a better explanation of the biblical account than other views.

Well that's all I have time for right now.

andrew said...

I just wanted to add that, "contrary popular opinion," I am an ass.

After rereading your post, I realized I zoned in on one detail relating to Calvinism and used it as a soapbox to advance my own views. I completely missed the forest for the trees.

If you haven't noticed, my interest in Calvinism (probably because I'm new to it) sometimes dominates my thinking to the point where I lose perspective. I ask for patience as I learn to balance my thinking.

Not that I'm unwillng to continue this discussion, but I just wanted to apologize for hijacking the post.

andrew said...

P.S. The "contrary to popular opinion" was a nod to Waiting For Guffman. The actual popular opinion might very well be that I am, in fact, an ass.

Lindsey said...

It actually sounds like you're referencing Much Ado About Nothing with the last comment.

Jacob said...

"O that he were here to write me down an ass! But, masters, remember that I am an ass. Though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass. No, thou villain, thou art full of piety, as shall be proved upon thee by good witness. I am a wise fellow; and which is more, and officer; and which is more, a householder; and which is more, as pretty a piece of flesh as any is in Messina, and one that knows the law, go to! and a rich fellow enough, go to! and a fellow that hath had losses; and one htat hath two gowns and everything handsome about him. Bring him away. O that I had been writ down an ass!" (Much Ado About Nothing, Act 4, Scene 2, Lines 72-84)

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